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December 23, 2011

Acoustic Fantasy #59 6/16/11

 Zinging flavas of Kool and the Gang's Sunshine plays on while the universe blends feve with harmonious tones of Rock and Roll in their voices singing the baby making sensations that loves Blue Valleys like raindrops falling and mamacitas always blazing on forever where there's no stopping at all as write this with absolute pleasure pulsing through shining abilities for success. Call this crazy or call it the way it's supposed to be because notes of past lifetimes whenze on in the sunset offering the messages of love as the forte for any cure in healing the wounds via musical schooling of how it's done without showing lust in sight,so,as the kick back session takes place,window seat is what I hear where no leaving the woman at all gives and receives codings validating logical thinking,which clears the way for creativity flowing as one,spitting all kinds of vybz that,chastizing gets shut down despite of all activities who loves no fun as well as preading hit after hit,which gets the clothes off saying "No telling where artistic whiskes in the valley" not being afraid to share it whenever times comes for it,but in the meantime,let's enjoy the best sex we have ever had and make acoustic fantasies together because we so miss each other and never want to be away again.


  Don't let the influences distract you from accomplishing your dreams and ambitions towards being successful because it sure is a cruel,cruel world where everything comes from the thoughts of you bringing them into manifestation and loving to wreck havoc,which is separation marked all over it and that spells destruction naming you as the prime suspect,but who would care,I mean look at what's already transpired and to add onto the chaos only drives them over the damn edge in handling nothing for their own,so before anything goes down,always maintain focus and concentration breathing success in the mirror smiling good deeds. While you're at it,take a bow with cheers and applauses chanting your name because there's nothing sweeter of the name,than listening to the people and you definitely know it. Let's not forget about the slavery in your own guilty pleasures applying addiction after addiction to be the reason why changes can't be enforced for ventures super exceeding the expectations writing on your agenda because if there's a story to tell about this,it's that you don't ever do things towards holding yourself behind from smiling on while getting the items into motion like electrons blazing at speeds to push out the mess piled up internally. In retrospect,the channel is on,the ears are listening and it's knowing of feeling where you're supposed to be.

December 22, 2011

12/22/11 beats

Strawberry Fields
African Safari
marijuana Plants
all have light shining every point
drinking up to the beauty strings 
not to be foolish
at anytime during book reading
dragging on lessons that keeps us divided through the canal of self
but indeed sharing the times of love
through the fire

Tales from the ways of living hisses on with deep pleasure - shaken together and never broken calls on many things to be wanted - acapella fever screams out their sinful ways after trekking through hell - being surprised gives plenty of hits to wake up

Breathe in and out intercarable connectors to get the riches of I - war torn realities gives way to the promise for all to build upon - distractors always seem to bump heads again and again - peace and prosperity shines like smooth sailings

December 6, 2011

12/6/11 waves

Shout to me people shout to me in anyway that liberates all of their silence - Find out what it takes to be inecular and you should feel at peace - Argentine beauty shines at me graciously in hopes to love again - Linguistic spins heads much effectively than pistols

Playing tug of war with my locks shows the connective bond that we have together - Discarded beauty gives way to wasteful pleasures that tastes real bad indeed - Bromo shout into the clear night where stars lend a hand for him to ride - Standing up is definitely onto something where steps fire off action in the hole

Food 4 Thought #286
Star gazing trips 
offer up the delicious taste 
guaranteed to make the flow say 
Damn damn,I need it like that and you working it just how I want it" 
leaving many to form lines in efforts to be just like that
so,when times come to be happy
spread on the healing

November 27, 2011

11/27/11 songs

Food 4 Thought dub session: A 4-year College Degree doesn't give you or anyone the access to very tasty delicious pure smelling as the rose can feel PUSSY like the School of Life offers up and where choices are always on you because mind control is a way of living for the machinical agenda of "NEW" things meanwhile calmness relaxingly gets it in where the moves never stops at all. I wonder what's going on inside of those same halls where the likes of people who simply do what they do spiritually where they turn to be big things in the eyes of many that throw their finances just to see them because of the plight in human affairs artificially,but I'm just saying while experiencing changes that makes it happen innerly,therefore blowing out the cogwebs from my system. If ever thought about the day that thickness was right there where I damn sure knew what it is,but the man in me walking on the ground didn't manifest into the beast that's always tearing all over the place sexing it up,so,humbly lessons proves to be the cure for detectable things needed not ever seen in the eyes of unlovable sold out artificial,alien beings who prevails in the taste of blood sucking via the war rather than listening to the wind,but who are you kidding because one chooses to do whatever they choose to move with.

Grant me peace and prosperity and a glass of money - stars at night shows all that we're here and going to be till the time is no more - the ways of life's perils are of something that doesn't seem to phase us

October 30, 2011

Getting it in

Conversations with the dead makes for much laughter ethically spewing gutsy calls of crack runneth over,but don't pay them any attention and watch how they start to wonder themselves about the way of calmness while chattaboxes seems to be their damn meal;tonic takes care of dem backsides at anytime where roadcaio looks like blank whites.

The ways of journeying
through the everest of
findning who we are sits in
the front of the entrance
like a baby
wanting to be loved

Fishes in the water with the fishes at sea is no different when people rock in random ways where quietness connecting all aspects to make them go unisonly as one seems to be something for which each of us fight over during our more peaceful of times wanting to know why things are the way they are,so healing may be the answer,but first,they shall not be warned of their worth as it's up to them in figuring out many circumstances.

Indictiveness never seems to be the ending towards a tale of tales being told - Dumbed down activities leading to indecisive methods always gets its due - The beauty of actions speaking on conscious mode makes the world to quiver in their shoes and get fucked up in the process - Just a friend or a bromo who begs everytime? It's curable always over treatable

(c) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

October 29, 2011

10/29/11 read all about it!!!!

If there's something popping of in the room tonight
I know where to find it and not on the outer vybz neither
as theater turns into real things hissing to be in in in

October 5, 2011

10/5/11 om om

Mi mas bella de flor
sufremente con sensual
abre de la luz pena amores
muchos mas
mis rosas en acceptan
fuerza en tus besos

October 4, 2011

10/4/2011 vybz

When I look at the faces of all who are always stuplified in the head due to chromosome miscalculations,it make me feel much sensational to know that a moving energy indeed gets the job done while,pleasure calls me to come on by and we both jam it up to flyness vybz mummering non-stop fun.

Forces keeps on going in many ways where when belief shines as bad as the engine in you,well,there's no doubt that knowledge shall lead you through di hard times seeking to capture the beat and pulse of Mississippi woman com racing like she's the good stuff and in actuality,she damn sure is. As beautiful as she is and more,her wild side to kick ass is there to do so should she need to;adding no messing around tearing up places that you haven't had the confidence in entering through its doors for a fight display humbly rolling theatrical in the skies,but you did it with her because you knew what it may lead to and for that,congratulate yourself for seeing the lies now,living with honesty.

Queen of my heart
shining armor of love
speak to me
hold me tight
feel me
sense everything you're able to from me
be who the energy have spoken to me about
kiss until there's nothing left

9/29/11 verbalations

Confident as she is,she always speaks inquisitively to hide her pains and struggles through the grapevine where she rocked with questions from anyone who dears to interrupt her flow,so,it's hitting for the wrath to all but comes towards whoever make moves to distance self.

Breathe all you got to because it's what you've been waiting for - defying potential mishaps hays horses of life - push pins of despair fortunes never gets by my wrath - cutlass fibering cloak in shreds causing all to flutter around

Correlations with past judgements breaks down as the seal is revealed - dreams are now a reality of which I have the key till death do me part

All signs of lovemaking entities brings you and I together where we usually know what's up in taking astrological waves of rip currents beating onto their very own delightful pleasures that never fights to get to the waves of deital roars rolling louder than the dumbness,which continues to hinder all who believes in it and nothing shall keep me down from speaking high as the listening skies...ta ta for now!!!

September 23, 2011

9/23/11 hymns


Sleeping giants a get fiya in dem asses
as everything a gwan is because
of dem own misery
so when a Lion hum vibrations that rocks
the giants dem seh noting
but run run gone


Precious love carry me off
where we have sensational chemistry going on
in every way whisking all of
the badness away
and purity comes right in
to fill us up moving through
the estruaries

September 21, 2011

Crazy - Nani Wine (1989) CLASSIC - YouTube

9/20/11 humms

Freedom bless me
where freeing the mind
your ass shall follow have every notion
in the further realities that speaks to the awakened souls
to give my ego up and accept the light of prosperity
flowing through the bullshit feeding that's smearing
all over the plague

Open hearts communicates on all levels -- purity tastes humbly sweet once there's progress in the days and nights -- Zora speaks with ton ton za za za za za in her ways of walk -- musical elixirs from all tribal calls spills pleasure when work is churning delectable changes

9/19/11 Flows

The kitchen is where I love to be
while fixing the best things
fueling us towards growth
whispering spices of South American forest berries
tasting the senses out of grace love trunks
in the process of preparing red light entrees
guaranteed to set off the chains of despair 

Late night
afternoon skies all revealing messages
detecting Europe's lifestyles
with Amazon screaming
rainfalls blessing the lands
showing beautiful
dashing through the U
to be what it's like to roam through
the times


The freshness of magic's vitality calms the fear down universally -- the strip cries bloody murder and never does a thing about it -- submergence of alligence tests how much it fondles with minds that are dormat -- time come and goes where hearts go into combination of swindler's list

September 17, 2011

#168 Albino

#168 Albino

Cannabalistic behavior leads to wonder 
about the powers in all of us - Going through the woods to find who we are 
is confusion spirals towards nowhere- signs tell us to trek alone 
where no circles equaling perfection - Fear nothing aiding in the tracks of oneness
being you all along

9/16/11 Poems


Tell me about 
the unison that life speaks
in compromising vocalness
surprising all who have been dead
emassifying on thing 
going thump into the esatical
wing glides shouting out all to see


Suffering is what's being
talked about
while pumps of artificial
stimulus juices up instant
in life simplicity moves
producing change

September 14, 2011

9/14/11 Poem(s)

No place for losers
in the times of intense
weed smokers humming Asian vybz
out of the top of
belting Australian coastline
bridging the branches of
Somoan warrior chants
to make harmonious tales
where Africa
Shall be singing magic of its own

9/13/11 Poems

Tomorrow whispers to all about the change needed to have clarity moving on -- Hunger goes into overdrive where enough is to feed on -- Audio uncensored chirps go on into oblivious matters

Legal proceedings sounds like crap bored speeches stringing out lameness -- Churches screams out blasphemic things they don't have a clue about while hearing flesh talking in their systems -- Balanced beams indistantly describes life as laughable parasital judgement for failure

all gives indication of
the many choices one does
in organization 
streaming life paths 
of inward travels
towards building a bloodline
for generations to come

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

August 31, 2011


Whispers in my mind council me
things get out of whack where
no one
really moves towards action
speaking louder than words

by: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

August 29, 2011


Man in the mirror give me the strength
to be who I am towards sharing the gift
possessed in me to move the world 
while creating pathways for all to experience
what's being given to them and telling them
they can do anything they choose 
as long as
hard work is on the menu

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

August 25, 2011



Darling speaks to me in modes of light spreading
throughout estorical brothels seeking
to be found
things don't seem to be the pleasant thoughts
tomorrow's whispers whisking in the dust of 
obscure entitlements begging for forgiveness.

August 14, 2011


Let the world know who you are as impaled lovemaking
every bit of motions ripping thru foundations of depression
building crystal nations bearing your name
moving deep into nectarial measures
you are the key to essence coming alive.

by: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

July 18, 2011

Listen to me 5/30

Listen to me 5/30

Yo man I'm referring 
to what I feel from you 
because you're seeking to
get out of the cycle way 
of living into doing things
that's all work and no play
making you dull as things
that comes to me universally
are me where personal snippets
turns into smiles that last a lifetime
so do listen to me & the moves 
shall be good to go

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sat Jul 16 10:52:35 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

July 14, 2011

Untitled #88

Untitled #88

nothing is the rule
for which describes the jumps
taken into the dimensional
ways of being the you political mover
that shapes inner means and
put them into outer success by simply
jumping towards the you doing that
or how about the muscle builder whose
fluent poses captivates the universe
where then you travel for miles
and adding with that
it's exciting essentially linking
high-speed thoughts while
in the process be loved
and share on

Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir (c) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Scrapbook Photos

July 12, 2011

Light 4/30

Light 4/30

Down with the physical lumination
as this light reigns on 
through challenges that are 
nothing more than communications
that comes from you continual
feed going on with energies coming
to the ways out of crap
whispering more so what more 
can I say "My light surely rocks in 
the dark baby" and spitting beats
illuminating brightness it so desires

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun Jul 10 19:30:18 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Hell No 3/30

Hell No 3/30

Oh hell no that ain't the woman
dreaming there as
the Gods and Goddesses go about
their own business
because they're not worrying 
nor caring about you at all so
chilax and while you're in the
midst of acting a damn fool
spreading the big ass EGO you
have going on per say,simply breathe
and do what you do infinitley giving
and chat on while you blaze on
in the strawberry fields speaking on 
in your lifetime of conversations
resonating throughout tales of music
playing on warm afternoons 
while the sun humms and 
after all of that hell no comes out
of your mouth saying that being on
the journey for you is it,but as a
flash drive in the meantime of 
struggles happening on 3rd level
which is nothing but a game that 
keeps on adding different players
but the kids on the stuff that makes
them move offers everything I wanna
be and no more games as 
listening potently goes on

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun Jul 10 19:09:23 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Flow 2/30

Flow 2/30

Booming with my own chaos magic
allows me to to explore
through everything studying all there 
is to see about blazing with the
balance for infinite 
in the process of harming no one
while doing this I makes it do
what it do on the woman she becomes
the woman much excitingly about 
herself much cosmically which
that's beyond reach but who cares 
as everything is everything 
in the ways it grows her ass to have
it be round,firm,flavalicious and to
add with breasts increasing to the
number she desires them to be topping 
it off with a height increase to 5'10
such in waves that makes her 
who she loves to become 
in motions of rituals that are surely
getting her away from balance shall
disappear with the acceptance of self
providing her power laying in her hands
and be utilized infinitely to whatever 
she chooses to do with it which is
entirely up to her speaking 
at everything booming in all of that
and more awesomely loving me to move
with a dick that's sure to put it in,
a bit more size for my ass as well as
adding height to the frame while always
learning with infinity & 
all the way speaking through
every portal of opportunity I go towards
and accomplishing me me me where 
the man I feel indeed vybz it up zinging
no caring for babblers 
no worries 
no catering to nonsense
all about interference mind controlling level
as everyone of my dreams become so vivid
that shines smiles from me in the dark
offering plenty of things rocking afterwards
because I am baby wooo wiii yam yaw!!!!

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun Jul 10 18:53:26 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Dreams 1/30

Dreams 1/30

Having dreams lasting beyond the thoughts
of vybz singing beats of inspiration zizzling 
on and able to do all he/she wants 
overstandingly towards
touching on
records of things we dream about is stored
into the Cosmic Library where dreams brings
them vividly to the light with learning
furthering on the confidence reigining
glory glory
because whatever anyone feels 
to dream about that's on he/she to decide
and the result of the dream being broadcast
stretches over doubt awesomely letting
it flow
into picking up your dreams to have
and take the ride that never goes dry
as the subliminal waves meditatively 
speaks on in healing every wound 
you feel in a dream

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Mon Jun 27 23:18:14 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Tyrell 'Smoothpana' Muir

Tyrell 'Smoothpana' Muir

Untitled #77

Untitled #77-Free Flow

Give me sweet love on the shift
where all comes to alive to witness
everything spinning good times vivaciously
rolling exciting things always buzzing through all valleys
offering lessons that religion won't be able to handle
as all of my fears disappear and I can see in 10D baby
hitting on.

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

June 28, 2011

High Heels

High Heels

I love high heels and damn,they surely make firm toned legs get the muscles to showcase style from moving hips down to the toes swinging that bouncy shape as anything I can imagine to put with that beautiful Ass bad as shit,which gets me going at the click of the motion when I see them whisking in the sky with air,flowing in the Universe with water,vibrating everything at every step it makes with earth while sizzling with Fire and there's no stopping as the rituals are already moving and set to zing on,guaranteed to have the magic come true because I dream of high heels where I'm never ever letting them go by the wasteside oooh noo noo noo

Don't play with my heels as it's your time to shine beyond anything ever wished upon a star to follow where you are indeed and knowing your history in all mythological tales gives indication that you're good to go and always going to be while babeling speaks on about you because of the confidence moving infinitely through them...look at you go!!!

From 2" to the stiletto flow is truely fruitful with tasty blazing at the tongue doing all typa tings displaying no behavior,zinergized love and infinitely plentifulness where all sings on

Burning Desire,Essence of Love,Aphrodesia,Opium,Pussy,Money,Rosemary,Cannibus incense and oils helps me in feeling stimulatory steps from heels where dem allow me to enter all thoughts in remembering actions performed vivaciously through Milky Way's sex tides,Big Dipper's motions to please mama heels,which is complied with clearance towards banging the shit out of them heels oh yes!!!

Beyond my wildest dreams you are always moving through my mind where I can never wait any longer to make love to you because yearning for high heels gets me all roused up in infinite tones of music rocking to the beat of Prince and Appolonia's tantalizing,flavalicious encounters towards many women putting them into clicking extacy snap snap snap.

Part 2

Egyptian Heiroglyphic incryptions being spelled out in humming tones all over those who are feeling it,signals magic because loving dem don't cost a thang where the issence of spells beingcast,leaves an impression so far beyond that Isis,Sekhmet,Hathor,Malasia,Nzinga,Gaia,Oshun & infinitely more Goddesses come rocking 

as the ground shakes my ears as I say "Wear dem heels baby and never waste them on stupid shit yeah yeah" which means it shouldn't be a problem to practice moving through the mirror in them before dancing GoGo daddy sporting them while my magic spices dem up everytime calls me all-in-all seeing all on the ride never runneth over and I speak about heels where only then,the back heel shows me to the door where heel ain't no more showing its face ever.

I see through my 3rd eye that the women who loves heels passionately graduates at the top of the class by wearing 'em to every open mic showcase and parties my light moves and always dreaming what's able to transpire once words wrap fruitilicious fetish taste of sex like sweet things in the Ghetto...I digg dat,do you? 

Anna Nicole Smith done passed by here intense in the process of summoning Freya and with channeling,we communicate to the point that she elaborated this: "Heels are the things that makes for stimulating pathways always seeking to find out what's up & I want you to tell them that love for high heels moves through all things in every situation" And there aren't any excuses on that flow where I give everything in moving heels everywhere.

Massaging all mythological areas of her honesty gives that shine most look for in humans,but this one hmm teaches me to never ever be an idiot because high heels heve been through eras while cursing magically,which brings lifting support fluffiates the tasy sensations to where travelling out of body curviates vibrations that everything is imensely everything in making sure flava is heelicious mmm mmm mmm!!!

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Wed Mar 09 20:25:05 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

June 9, 2011

Sayings from the valley

The Ghetto speaks of ways
in moving out of downpressive situations

Sweet catches makes for some tines 
to cherish like zing zing zabba zoo zaa
kufu ha

Straight arrows may lead to adventures
htat are the bomb or full of shit...choose one
and hey hey hey

Ever thought about how the Pyramid
of Giza looks just as you,well,it does 
and you're the good stuff

I crave for ziblicious blazers hott
to di touch so much that
spicilicious women do come over it...
watch out now ROAR!!!!

Ziggy ziggy zaw zaw whoa nelirosa baby darlinita
contigo vuelve

You can't walk away from love
no matter what the price maybe

Creativity gives birth to innovative activities being
the successful essentials needed towards building 
a lot of ideas on the Agenda

(c) 2011 Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

May 24, 2011

Food 4 Thought

Food 4 Thought

5/21/11: The Universe moves where I continue to write Biblical Scriptures being encrypted 
in the pages of Success and Falling Forward chimes vivaciously when I do so.

Speak on because you're releasing and having the light be cultivated to where the Gods and Ancestors known and unknown blaze on their ways of contribution in the universe where we hear and the enlightened ones channel them in every time. Forever holding your peace signals darkness demisingly twisting into your own entrapping within the mind that keeps on with suppression to all of you in finding a way to be free universally.

The Ambient vibrations of everything you flow with energy displays vivid cannotations towards plenty of success abundantly moving so simple to where advice is as sweet as the words humming from the
tongue applying moisturization to everyday essentials needed to do what it do infinitely. I love you,keep on moving beyond the distractions and hug yourself with the mirror capturing everything of you because you are beautiful

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

May 15, 2011

Politics In Motion #31

Politics In motion #31

When it comes to choosing the best party in
representing whoever wants the absolute best 
out of giving his/her best efforts towards
putting the members of the game there knowing
thyself while moving in making a decision 
between Democratic,Republican and Independent
because if it matters,results ain't gonna be what
you voted for...Never trust anyone to do the job
you feel that you're able to do so hey,smile on!!!

There's a quote from past lifetimes and it's been
the way to go and it's "Change is sweet when one
sees it humming in him/herself to rock on
and always loving everything each of them do
towards moving."

Maybe growing up you had people telling you 
that voting for someone rather than yourself 
is somewhat healthy when you know in everyway
that choosing you sets sail to so many things 
to accomplish leaving the mess to those who just
feel to be in the game for easy flava instead of 
learning the things for infinite success,which burns

I can feel in the air calling me into tones of love
taking place everywhere and all you do is "Be open
and nothing shall put me down by surprise" 
because politics just ain't fooling me here

By:Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Mon May 16 00:29:30 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved 

Being free #41

It's all that I am and never ever
messing around with and that's
being free of all things causing harm
to my spirit,thus,making me think
in ways resulting in poison of me
and who's going to care what happens?
Well,I tell ya who will,it's the same force
talking to me at every point and always
encouraging me to never be negative
in my view towards myself as cleansing out
bad auras and always in motion where there
ain't a damn thing anyone can do about it
for me except be who they are & let vybz
ring on like candy store riots,but,I don't
care at all because I do what I do

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun May 15 23:33:20 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

May 11, 2011

My Online Store

Hearts Don't Lie #32

Hearts Don't Lie #32

As the light,it's essential to be balanced all the way from crown to toes wherever it is our journey (Giving) takes each of us towards,in expressing the ways we want and what I'm feeling from hearts is that the tongues are as powerful to the point when saying things universally that may get all confused by many who bring on negative energy in every way wanting to against those who love themselves and blaze on ooo so infinite vybz where learning and listening are important in unlocking the you that's been trapped inside of the box and being dutty all the time. 

Zooning beyond it goes,speaking from the heart always offers trekking force on throughout many adventures in finding to be balanced hydrantly wherever the case serves fit in search for the God in them.

(c) 2011 All Rights Reserved.
Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun May 15 23:53:50 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

May 5, 2011

Epiphany 27/30

Epiphany 27/30

Standing in front of me is an experience that's never going away due to my calling for it to be 
as well as all who have been dreaming lucidly about every bit of sailing off to
next worlds where peace and tranquility heals the wounded tide and to life,bring energies
acting so much blissful to hitting the channels of me everywhere in 
looking towards cussing the hell up in the things of telling them like it is

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Wed May 25 18:54:17 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Codes 13/30

Codes 13/30

Decode all who have been accessible to everything
being imprinted into alpha delta male primordial forces doing
it up in acting like the assholes they are in order to make 
every code be as the Gods would want them in the first place,but let's take
a second to realize that codes what communications vastly moves to when
getting a point across because so many times it goes out of whack in
tongues streamlining messages whether it's private or public,you can never ignore the codes
channeling and they're cool indeed

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir 
© copyright Wed May 25 18:51:12 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

March 23, 2011

My Ebook is ready

What's up everyone,I'm much excited to say that my 1st Ebook "A Moving Train Of Thoughts" is ready and available for purchase by clicking on the link below:

Thanks to all who are always supporting me every motion of the way and keeping on with it because my success is nothing without you all being the loving energies y'all are. The Edited Version of "A Moving Train of Thoughts" is on the way.

March 4, 2011

Burning Desire

Burning Desire

May I hug you
whilethe voice soothe
everywhere around you where
the screams of misery 
disappears into after thouhts
of our tastefully infinitive desires 
with the blasting of evertying dat
yearns for ecleptic proportions
loving me to having you kiss on
where there's no getting off toot toot

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Fri Mar 04 15:47:26 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

January 28, 2011

Free Flow

The Spirit World speaks on in all motions of the universal communication zing they rocks with,so,do you because there's nothing stopping you from making it do whatever it do from the imagination always ringing on in you mind expressing everything that's made by you. I've been creating names of Deities where they're fragments of Deities civilizations ago and this is what I get from them while doing work after my Spiritual Bath:

Malasia was saying this to me while freewriting:
"People gets caught up in lust everytime because they're so fucking stupid to get into dem heads that Humanity goes as far as the body,which is to the shits and going to be,so,that's what you call niggas hahaha.Energies (light) always beams love infinitely because everything moves where to the voices in the spirit world with musical motions that never go dry and trails and tribulations leads all to where they need to be in flourishing abundantly wooooo it's everywhere."

Other Deities I've been creating are:

more to come as everything is everything.

(c) 2011 All Rights Reserved. Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

January 21, 2011

Love Ain't Here

Love Ain't Here

As I sit in my living room blazing music Always humming,I'm saying to every energy "Love ain't here and not going to be here" because I've been through a lot of fucking shit with it where letting in Lust OOOO YEAH HAHAHAHA to do everything it wants to do is much exciting and just what my imagination loves indeed and dem damn muthafuckas who always line tout speaks to me in the ways that have 'em stagnantly stink as shit to di bone (in silence,I neva scared of dem swoooo wooo woo) "You gotta keep it together because we need you to be the night in shining armor" and I look at them,never ignoring that ring vividly talking sweet things in the morning time,which is the only time they're doing it at,so,as gurgitating talks yammer on,a screaming,dark,thick,intensely passionate voice (ME) speaking in tones lasting long long after all shit goes loose infinitely beyond touching with this "Ahhhh yeah,everything is everything where all sectors of the galaxy who I vivaciously move with in zizzling long longues have been open neva to be closed,shut down ever again HAHAHAHAHA and fuck love becaue I'm lusting all the way indeed rocking funkaliciously and calling all to Bring it ya diggg!!!!! FFFFIIIIYYYYAAAA!!!!!!"

I do it baby baby baby where Brooklyn,Bronx,Manhattan,Queens,Staten Island all cry out cosmic sex notes well beyond their wildest dreams at booming motions so naughtiliciously burning dat they cummm a lot everywhere with all typa flavas to make all energies in the city go AWK AWK AWK AWK BABY BABY AHHHHHHH OH SHIT I'M CUMMMING I'M CUMMING MMMMMM ROAR ROAR ROAR ROAR ROAR HUMMMMM HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (All smiles and laughter as love ain't here never hitting that because of plenty of fear killing itself) 

Love is a one-way flow that's basically the shit Pooky Dooky smoked up on di weh to Church lol lol and about the rituals we put ourselves under towards accomplishing agendas,underlying agreements and more where it a neva equal to "me doing me" and pooooofffff dem always come up short frequentially...No worries at all. Meanwhile,lust is fucking doing all kinda slackness woi woi woi and I tear her ass up intensely saying Bitch,Slut,HOE towards having orgasms shaking her hair and loves to be handle rough with slappings and all tings I imagine happening.

more to flow as the vybz zing on hummm..........

(c) 2011 Tyrell "Philosophicl Ty" Muir

January 9, 2011

The Philosophical Ty phoneline Is Open

Call on call on as the lines are open for the imagination flowing inifinitely free of everything that suppresses it that equals togravity that attracts all vybz that I do mix with adding the nogative energy humming,zinging,singing chunes of hottness indeed and curing all illnesses that starts from the brainwaves trickling towards many ritualistic tings that seems to intrap the light from darkness,which are the thoughts flowing into words striking with power. The calls flow on in as the energies ask all questions about everything that's been happening with it and I say afterwards "Drop your medicine wherever you have it and come on over as I heal all of you you you as listening is issentially lucious indeed." Sounds zings zinga ziggity zaws on as brainwave meditation takes places in speaking tones towards healing,nogatively spinning always and never ever stopping as conscious isn't on di line and "I don't hear them" because Crucifiction ain't here at all baby ya digg!!! 

The music of all genres plays from my stereo to the Digital-Quality phone of mines zingfully as Bootsi baby baby hits notes of dancing sensations that goes on always saying "YABBA DABBA DOOOO" with Funkadelic doing their ways alongside Earth,Wind and Fire,The Ohio Players,Slave,Marvin,Nina,Fela Kuti,ROBERT NESTA MARLEY,PETER TOSH,DENNIS EMMANUEL BROWN,LUCKY DUBE DUBE YAW,MIRIAM MAKEBA OOOOO WIIII,Greatful Dead,ACDC,The Who,John Lennon,Janis Joplin,Jimi Hendrix,Rev Theory,Kiss and flavaliciously more as all on the line ask me to spit a piece in the process about how Mama Africa's feeling at whatever point where I cry on cry on blazing magic before doing so as there's a silence streaming vibrations of occasional proportions...I do it ahhhh yeah!!!!

The phoneline doesn't end at all as I have a party with it where everyone comes from all places in for a lot of xcitement,rocking tings,creative things and whatever whatever doing it because there are no rules LOL LOL hahahahahaha bring it on energies!!!!

© copyright Mon Jan 10 10:43:04 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

January 6, 2011

Intily flowing

Listening on with the ears booning ultrasonic brainwaves from the mind while speaking on with the hummingly,vivacious tongue of infinite languages zooning with everything clarifying,cleansing games out of the views of you where imagination makes paths of its own to move move move with it...blazing on with choatic magic I do!!!!

© copyright Fri Jan 07 11:25:16 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

January 2, 2011

Damn Baby

Damn Baby

To have actions speak on,words are the power source for it that comes from energy,which blazes up intensely nogative to where suppressing energies aren't to handling dem tings before babeling about muah and I love it in issence because it all does everything from imagination allways doing it what infinitely zings it do.

(c) 2011 All Rights Reserved. Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

Words of motivation

I welcome you all onto the moving train where thoughts always moves and making things to appear in reality while being crazy about them offers light to the ways of which burns in all. Enjoy,make yourself comfortable here while the words cures you.
