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December 22, 2011

12/22/11 beats

Strawberry Fields
African Safari
marijuana Plants
all have light shining every point
drinking up to the beauty strings 
not to be foolish
at anytime during book reading
dragging on lessons that keeps us divided through the canal of self
but indeed sharing the times of love
through the fire

Tales from the ways of living hisses on with deep pleasure - shaken together and never broken calls on many things to be wanted - acapella fever screams out their sinful ways after trekking through hell - being surprised gives plenty of hits to wake up

Breathe in and out intercarable connectors to get the riches of I - war torn realities gives way to the promise for all to build upon - distractors always seem to bump heads again and again - peace and prosperity shines like smooth sailings

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Words of motivation

I welcome you all onto the moving train where thoughts always moves and making things to appear in reality while being crazy about them offers light to the ways of which burns in all. Enjoy,make yourself comfortable here while the words cures you.
