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June 14, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen,Children of all "Ages" It views as someting whenever de word Age comes into flow with tings that run de world because control is what flows thru dat.Don't worry for age is solely a numba as long as de inner self is able to do whatever him/her love knowing that love and wisdom always flow supreme over a number virtuosly wherever.Whoever says that tings get better with age sure have been brainwashed and having ignorance into feeling that because what I know is tings get better whenever Iself is willing to have nothing grow increases into someting,manifesting where de nectar speaks and letting truth vibrations take its place in guiding aspects zingfuliciously flowing above downpressive issues. People who become prophets in ways dem love don't care bout a numba whenever dem feel to string up a rhythm,heartfelt ting in building,healing,touching nations who have heart to be loud whenever de valley is quiet knowing dem work is complete and being quiet while de valley is loud where work is being felt. Generations living on Earth at this point are alwayz rocking with abilities that views thru de happenings and rising above that knowing they're all right without being labeled by age & I humbly love it.Age=the boxed-in theory to get tings done quickly with ignorace "WAKE UP PEOPLE,WAKE UP AND DON'T GET TRAPPED IN A BOX"


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Words of motivation

I welcome you all onto the moving train where thoughts always moves and making things to appear in reality while being crazy about them offers light to the ways of which burns in all. Enjoy,make yourself comfortable here while the words cures you.
