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March 27, 2012



Where did all the Trayvon Martins go when the sounds of universal outcrys
tells tales of libertad libertad libertad streaming across the verses of tracks
deep down in the circumference of all who shares the opportuinity
to be who they are while in the process
speak on the fact that respect must be shown towards anyone walking on by
with ways that should never ever be silent
but I ask once again
where did all the Trayvon Martins go when the sounds of universal outcrys
tell tales of libertad libertad libertad streaming across the verses of tracks 
deep down in the circumference of all who shares the opportunity
to be who we are
because after all of this
we all have to occupy our own bodies
towards getting out distracting situations
before letting go for someone else's life
when we can turn
and move on knowing that it's not us at all

© copyright 2012-03-27 11:40:30 UTC - All Rights Reserved

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Words of motivation

I welcome you all onto the moving train where thoughts always moves and making things to appear in reality while being crazy about them offers light to the ways of which burns in all. Enjoy,make yourself comfortable here while the words cures you.
