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September 23, 2010

Iniversal Sex

So Flavalicious alwayz rocking to de beats.riddims,rhymes indeed

Sweet,Tantalizing,Sensual smelling,tasty issential oils touching de Goddess' body playing chunes rrr mmmm rrrrr mmmmmm

Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Oya,Oshun,Ogun always having planetary lovemaking where vibrations of Earth signaling that and more

Poetically sucking,kissing,licking,touching,massaging she ting dat all de weh

Juicy,Moist,Cushy Breasts fits much comfortably in de God's views while moans hits with supernatural screaming in smiles

Galatic flowing,vybz rocking pussy always humming mumming zooning zing zang zing wooo as she quivers ivery bit of de way while feeling her spiritual and physical beings says "Make it do what it do"

I love her riding where it's free flowing never doing big tings,always simple

2012 and Beyond iniversally lovemaking baby

1 comment:

1ManView said...

Happy is a simple life, a wet vagina feels good any way you describe it.

Words of motivation

I welcome you all onto the moving train where thoughts always moves and making things to appear in reality while being crazy about them offers light to the ways of which burns in all. Enjoy,make yourself comfortable here while the words cures you.
