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July 7, 2010


The revolution will not be televised where hearts sway with knowledge of standing firm as of Lions and Lionesses in di Jungle and never succumbing to downpressive tings that are corruptive making havoc in di playground InI a have much xcitement likes circles going round and round,dictating societal ways di masses will not stand for and manipulatively placing so-called positive movement knowing dem already have InI screwed before used. It's an Ivolutionary movement happening iniversally rising to di occasion nothing into someting much powerful to be stopped by whoever feeling to fiddle with it because there are many shock points in doing so;developing into prosperous motions moving Inecularly thru sectors beyond normality where vybing with awakening zingfully rocks ivery bit,not being retrofied internally with spiritual forces clearing paths to guide di valley towards change that will itinue to truthfully be di issential to elevate in dimensions that are ready fi InI to enter above downpressive,propagandus,solely xternal ways of living via Orwellian tactics.

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Words of motivation

I welcome you all onto the moving train where thoughts always moves and making things to appear in reality while being crazy about them offers light to the ways of which burns in all. Enjoy,make yourself comfortable here while the words cures you.
