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July 18, 2011

Listen to me 5/30

Listen to me 5/30

Yo man I'm referring 
to what I feel from you 
because you're seeking to
get out of the cycle way 
of living into doing things
that's all work and no play
making you dull as things
that comes to me universally
are me where personal snippets
turns into smiles that last a lifetime
so do listen to me & the moves 
shall be good to go

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sat Jul 16 10:52:35 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

July 14, 2011

Untitled #88

Untitled #88

nothing is the rule
for which describes the jumps
taken into the dimensional
ways of being the you political mover
that shapes inner means and
put them into outer success by simply
jumping towards the you doing that
or how about the muscle builder whose
fluent poses captivates the universe
where then you travel for miles
and adding with that
it's exciting essentially linking
high-speed thoughts while
in the process be loved
and share on

Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir (c) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Scrapbook Photos

July 12, 2011

Light 4/30

Light 4/30

Down with the physical lumination
as this light reigns on 
through challenges that are 
nothing more than communications
that comes from you continual
feed going on with energies coming
to the ways out of crap
whispering more so what more 
can I say "My light surely rocks in 
the dark baby" and spitting beats
illuminating brightness it so desires

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun Jul 10 19:30:18 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Hell No 3/30

Hell No 3/30

Oh hell no that ain't the woman
dreaming there as
the Gods and Goddesses go about
their own business
because they're not worrying 
nor caring about you at all so
chilax and while you're in the
midst of acting a damn fool
spreading the big ass EGO you
have going on per say,simply breathe
and do what you do infinitley giving
and chat on while you blaze on
in the strawberry fields speaking on 
in your lifetime of conversations
resonating throughout tales of music
playing on warm afternoons 
while the sun humms and 
after all of that hell no comes out
of your mouth saying that being on
the journey for you is it,but as a
flash drive in the meantime of 
struggles happening on 3rd level
which is nothing but a game that 
keeps on adding different players
but the kids on the stuff that makes
them move offers everything I wanna
be and no more games as 
listening potently goes on

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun Jul 10 19:09:23 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Flow 2/30

Flow 2/30

Booming with my own chaos magic
allows me to to explore
through everything studying all there 
is to see about blazing with the
balance for infinite 
in the process of harming no one
while doing this I makes it do
what it do on the woman she becomes
the woman much excitingly about 
herself much cosmically which
that's beyond reach but who cares 
as everything is everything 
in the ways it grows her ass to have
it be round,firm,flavalicious and to
add with breasts increasing to the
number she desires them to be topping 
it off with a height increase to 5'10
such in waves that makes her 
who she loves to become 
in motions of rituals that are surely
getting her away from balance shall
disappear with the acceptance of self
providing her power laying in her hands
and be utilized infinitely to whatever 
she chooses to do with it which is
entirely up to her speaking 
at everything booming in all of that
and more awesomely loving me to move
with a dick that's sure to put it in,
a bit more size for my ass as well as
adding height to the frame while always
learning with infinity & 
all the way speaking through
every portal of opportunity I go towards
and accomplishing me me me where 
the man I feel indeed vybz it up zinging
no caring for babblers 
no worries 
no catering to nonsense
all about interference mind controlling level
as everyone of my dreams become so vivid
that shines smiles from me in the dark
offering plenty of things rocking afterwards
because I am baby wooo wiii yam yaw!!!!

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Sun Jul 10 18:53:26 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Dreams 1/30

Dreams 1/30

Having dreams lasting beyond the thoughts
of vybz singing beats of inspiration zizzling 
on and able to do all he/she wants 
overstandingly towards
touching on
records of things we dream about is stored
into the Cosmic Library where dreams brings
them vividly to the light with learning
furthering on the confidence reigining
glory glory
because whatever anyone feels 
to dream about that's on he/she to decide
and the result of the dream being broadcast
stretches over doubt awesomely letting
it flow
into picking up your dreams to have
and take the ride that never goes dry
as the subliminal waves meditatively 
speaks on in healing every wound 
you feel in a dream

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir
© copyright Mon Jun 27 23:18:14 UTC 2011 - All Rights Reserved

Tyrell 'Smoothpana' Muir

Tyrell 'Smoothpana' Muir

Untitled #77

Untitled #77-Free Flow

Give me sweet love on the shift
where all comes to alive to witness
everything spinning good times vivaciously
rolling exciting things always buzzing through all valleys
offering lessons that religion won't be able to handle
as all of my fears disappear and I can see in 10D baby
hitting on.

By: Tyrell "Philosophical Ty" Muir

Words of motivation

I welcome you all onto the moving train where thoughts always moves and making things to appear in reality while being crazy about them offers light to the ways of which burns in all. Enjoy,make yourself comfortable here while the words cures you.
